Sometimes I think the Fuji X100 is like Supermodels and
Italian Sports Cars. It's beautiful,
amazing at what it does; but sometimes it can be a huge pain in the ass. For me the pain comes when trying to focus on
anything closer than 3ft, and it just gets worse the closer you go.
Between 2ft and 3ft, using the electronic viewfinder will
usually (but not always) get you what you want after a few trys, however it is
useless closer than that. Using the
optical viewfinder for focusing closer than 4ft will get you absolutely
nothing. The only way I can get close
up shots to work is manually pre-focus according to the distance you are away
from the subject, and then fine tune by moving back and forward slightly. Convoluted, but it does work.
The big problem though is turning the manual focus to the
desired position. It is focus by wire,
and the amount you turn seems to bear no relevance to how much the focus
changes. Sometimes half a turn will move
it a lot, often not at all. Eventually
though, and maybe after several full turns it might get you to where you need
to be. So it could take 30 seconds to a
minute to set the camera up for a shot closer than 2 feet away, which is
totally unacceptable.
However, at close focus the lens is still reasonably sharp,
particularly if you stop down. It's a
pain to get there, but close ups do turn out very well with this camera.
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